The Authentic Bavarian Order of the Illuminati Tradition
The inception of the Illuminati Tradition occurred in May Day 1776 in Bavaria Germany by Adam Weishaupt, professor of canon law at Ingolstadt and a former Jesuit. . Since then, the traditional Bavarian Order of the Illuminati has been the most influential force in the modern rebirth of the Western Mystery Tradition. From the neo-pagan revival of the New Age movement, the Bavarian Illuminati Traditions’ wealth of teachings still has a profound and lasting effect on those who seek spiritual enlightenment in the Western world. Today these traditional teachings are taught by the Bavarian Order of the Illuminati, formerly known as the Perfectibilists.” The Bavarian Order of the Illuminati offers real initiation into an incredible world of spiritual development, as well as, practical magic.
Our founder’s aim was to replace Christianity with a religion of reason, as later did the revolutionaries of France and the 19th-century positivist philosopher Auguste Comte. The order was organized along Jesuit lines and kept internal discipline and a system of mutual surveillance based on that model. Its members pledged obedience to their superiors and were divided into three main classes: the first included “novices,” “minervals,” and “lesser illuminati”; the second consisted of Major Illuminati (“ordinary,” “Scottish,” and “Scottish knights”); and the third or “mystery” class comprised two grades of “priest” and “regent” as well as “magus” and “king.” Today’s magical culture would not be what is today without Adam Weishaupt. The authenticity of the Bavarian Order of the Illuminati tradition has all gone through verification in the ancient documents housed in private American and European libraries.
Beginning with a narrow circle of disciples carefully selected from among his own students, Weishaupt gradually extended his recruitment efforts from Ingolstadt to Eichstätt, Freising, Munich, and elsewhere, with special attention being given to the enlistment of young men of wealth, rank, and social importance. From 1778 onward Weishaupt’s illuminati began to make contact with various Masonic lodges, where, under the impulse of Adolf Franz Friedrich, Freiherr von Knigge, one of their chief converts, they often managed to gain a commanding position, It was to Knigge that the society was indebted for the extremely elaborate constitution (never, however, actually realized) as well as its internal communication system. Each member of the order had given him a special name, generally classical, by which he alone was addressed in official writing (Weishaupt was referred to as Spartacus while Knigge was Philo). All internal correspondence was conducted in cipher, and to increase the mystification, towns and provinces were invested with new and altogether arbitrary designations.
At its period of greatest development, Weishaupt’s “Bavarian Illuminati” included in its operations a very wide area, extending from Italy to Denmark and from Warsaw to Paris; at no time, however, do its numbers appear to have exceeded 2,000. The order and its doctrines appealed to literary giants such as Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Johann Gottfried von Herder as well as the dukes Ernest II of Gotha and Charles Augustus of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach. Such notables were claimed as members although it is questionable if they were actually so. Weishaupt’s illuminati were believed to have included astronomer Johann Bode, writer and bookseller Friedrich Nicolai, philosopher Friedrich Jacobi, and poet Friedrich Leopold, Graf zu Stolberg-Stolberg.
The movement suffered from internal dissension and was ultimately banned by an edict of the Bavarian government in 1785. Some members were imprisoned, while others were driven from their homes. Weishaupt was stripped of his chair at Ingolstadt and banished from Bavaria. After 1785 the historical record contains no further activities of Weishaupt’s illuminati, but the order figured prominently underground for centuries after its disbanding. It was credited with activities like the instigation of the French Revolution.
Several recent and present-day fraternal organisations claim to be descended from the original Bavarian Illuminati and openly use the name “Illuminati”. Some of these groups use a variation on the name “The Illuminati Order” in the name of their own organisations. Note that they are all fake while others, such as the Ordo Templi Orientis, have “Illuminati” as a grade within their organization’s hierarchy. However, most of these groups are fake and a lot of them online are run by scammers or rejected members who now use the name Illuminati falsely to extort money from innocent people seeking the Light of the Illuminati. During this underground period, we have amassed significant political power and influence while trying to remain secret and establish criteria means of attracting membership. Our founding Fathers came up with these criteria means to expanding the Order and to attain our dream of the New World Order which is still used till date include;
Be From an Old Money Family, Get Rich in Business, join a Secret Society (an Ancient Mystical Order), Become a Famous Pop Star or a Famous Rapper, or Be in a Classic Rock Band or a Famous Actor or a Famous Sport person , Be Elected President of the United States or any other country or Even Just Run for President or Just Work For the Federal Government, Work in the Medical Establishment, Or in the Financial Industry or Work in Any High Tech Industry, and Above All, Be Good at Keeping Secrets.
The Illuminati has a highly secretive cabal which has been planning and directing world events from behind the scenes. Prominent members include Queen Elizabeth (late), Prince Charles; most US Presidents including Barack Obama, George W. Bush, George HW Bush and Bill Clinton; the Pope and the entire Vatican apparatus including the Supreme General of the Jesuits, the Black Pope. The Rothschild and Rockefeller dynasties always have a prevalent role in Illuminati. The Illuminati is especially active in the music industry. Most popular singers have at one time or another belong to us the Illuminati working in promoting the Illuminati. Jay-Z, Kanye West, Rihanna, Beyoncé, Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, Michael Jackson, the Beatles to name a few have all been working hard to promote our illuminati ideology via music. The black race is given more powers to expand the Order because they are the most powerful race since they are rooted from Egypt, the Cradle of all True Mystical or Occult Powers in the World. They are like our evangelist.
Some celebrities have decided to play on the popularity of the illuminati and have incorporated Illuminati symbols into their work. Jay-Z (right photo) has incorporated the All-Seeing eye in the pyramid symbol into his Roc-A-Fella Record’s marketing image. Rihanna took a tongue-in-cheek approach to Illuminati.
The Illuminati Order is headed by a secretive cabal of the THIRTEEN BLOODLINES. The Rothschilds and the Rockefellers are always staples as the head of the Illuminati, but their control and portions of the world’s wealth varies greatly.
The generational Illuminati bloodlines of Astor, Bundy, Collins, DuPont, Freeman, Kennedy, Li (李), Onassis, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Russell, Van Duyn and Merovingian were anointed by the Brotherhood of the Secret Chiefs in ancient Babylon and infused their own seed. These same bloodlines continue to rule over us to this day.High-level members of the Illuminati attend meetings in the astral realm where they receive orders from the Secret Chiefs themself for the creation of the New World Order
It is important always to be aware of the Bavarian Illuminati Tradition you are studying. The authenticity of the Bavarian Order of the Illuminati tradition has all gone through verification in the ancient documents. Private American and European libraries house these original documents. The Bavarian Order of the Illuminati submitted lineage documentation to get access to these documents. The Bavarian Order of the Illuminati teaches the most accurate and authentic magical techniques for empowerment.
Personal Empowerment through the Bavarian Illuminati Tradition
The Bavarian Order of the Illuminati offers all the traditional magical materials, as well as, practical application. As you explore this site, you will sample of the knowledge received as a Bavarian Illuminati Life-Time Member. You will experience empowerment to transform your reality as you study the Bavarian Illuminati Tradition. There is a wealth of knowledge that can expand your understanding of the Bavarian Illuminati Tradition. It will also expand your magical way of life.
Today, the Bavarian Order of the Illuminati (the Bavarian Order of the Illuminati) brings forth the classical Western Mystery Tradition. We continue to be the “Foremost guardians of the Western Mystery Illuminati Tradition.”
Bavarian Order of the Illuminati Personal Magical Transformation
Bavarian Order of the Illuminati is a spiritual and occult Order; dedicated for the pursuit of light and knowledge; for the high purpose of securing the Liberty of the Individual and his or her advancement in Light, Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge and Power. This training, which begins with the process of initiation, sets in motion the necessary alchemical fire to transform the inner lead to gold. Trademarks or mountains of books with “Bavarian Illuminati” printed on the cover cannot accomplish transformational initiation. It happens through tradition and transmission of the light. This transformational knowledge and energy is the root of the Bavarian Order of the Illuminati.
The Classical Bavarian Illuminati current is one of those mystical energies that cannot readily fall into a pre-defined space or simple explanation. It is like trying to define love, truth, or wisdom. A person in love knows when they are in love, but to define it is a task that has been delegated to philosophers, writers, artists, poets and musicians. Every level of membership in the Bavarian Order of the Illuminati experiences this energy flow.
Grades of the Bavarian Order of the Illuminati
The Bavarian Order of the Illuminati is divided into three main classes or order, 10 grades and 33 degrees: the first included “Novices,” “Minervals,” and “Lesser Illuminati Order ”; the second consisted of Major Illuminati Order (“ordinary,” “Scottish,” and “Scottish knights”); and the third or “Mystery” class comprised two grades of “priest” and “regent” as well as “magus” and “king.”. These grades are direct from the Bavarian Illuminati Traditions. The grades also each have their own unique transformational energy. This energy is unlocked through studying the ancient mysteries and wisdom
The first class which is the Novice or Minerval or lesser or Minor Illuminati Order is the Outer Order of the Bavarian Order of the Illuminati. In this Lesser Illuminati Order, the initiate is to become a master of all the element of earth, air, water, and fire. However, there is a Portal grade which is an invisible grade which cannot be overlooked. This grade is not of the Outer Order and yet not fully of the Inner Order (Major Illuminati Order). The Portal grade relates to Spirit. Spirit is the energy which must rule the four elements. It is the completion and perfection of the pentagram with the top point of Spirit ruling the lower four points of the elements. The Portal grade also relates to the veil being torn asunder.
Initiation into the Bavarian Order of the Illuminati
When you apply for membership into the Bavarian Order of the Illuminati, you will go through a probationer period before you can be initiated into the Bavarian Order of the Illuminati.
The Probationer Degree (0°) is an introductory Initiate degree in which the aspirant is considered an “honoured guest” of Bavarian Illuminati rather than a full member. The Probationer degree is designed to allow the aspirant to decide whether or not to pursue full membership, and to allow potential sponsors the opportunity to decide whether to support the aspirant’s application for full membership.
Upon completing the Probationer Degree, you will be initiated into a Lodge into the First Grade of our First Order the Minerval Order of the Bavarian Illuminati
The First Degree (I°) bestows full membership upon the initiate. A First-Degree initiate may retire from active participation in Bavarian Illuminati, but the spiritual link forged between the initiate and the Order during the ceremony of the First Degree will remain throughout the initiate’s life.
The first grade in the lesser Illuminati Order is the Neophyte grade. In the Neophyte grade, all the forces of the inner alchemical transformation begin. The Neophyte initiation is an extremely potent and powerful force. However, appropriate officers in the correct colors and with the correct symbolism must properly conduct initiations. The whole process of the Bavarian Order of the Illuminati work far outreaches the information given to the neophyte as part of his or her grade material. The real transformation takes place first, in the initiation of 0=0, then on a daily basis in the experience called “life”.
The Inner Order of the Bavarian Order of the Illuminati teaches and reveals the most coveted secrets of magic.
Each grade of the Order provides potent forces filled with rewards and challenges. As the Hiereus exclaims, it is not enough to be not undaunted by the difficulty of occult study. We must also learn to be undaunted by the challenge of magical and spiritual living. The new initiates life often changes dramatically after 0=0. In some cases, people received new opportunities in business, home life, love, health, etc. In other situations, people have long and determined plans ripped away from their life. It is almost like picking flowers from a bush.
The tremendous influx of Light that happens in the 0=0 initiation also causes other transformations to take place. The candidate (maybe for the first time) communicates with the Divine, to the principles of Light and the “Great Work”. The newly initiated members of the Bavarian Order of the Illuminati engage in an energy bond with Divine Essence or “Higher Genius”.
The Bavarian Illuminati Member communicates with the Divine that he or she wants to begin the journey of the “True Self” not the self-governed by modern advertising or ego, but the “True and Secret Self.” The Higher Genius begins causing changes to manifest this desire in the life of the aspirant. From a mundane point of view, these changes may seem good or bad. From a mountain top with the bird’s eye view of the Higher Genius, it is much like a chess strategy. When understood, it will allow the candidate, later in the future to place negative aspects of the ego in checkmate.
It is possible to write volumes on the positive qualities people acquire in each grade and through each initiation. Each grade carries within it the seed of reward and the challenges necessary to strengthen the spiritual self. The grades lead you down the road of “Self-Mastery and the magical way of life.”
The Bavarian Order of the Illuminati is unlike many of the new age groups who do not provide any safeguards for the student. Each grade, after 0=0, requires testing. Even after successful trials, the advancement into the next grade often requires permission from the local Temple Chiefs and the invisible Chiefs of the Order. These people keep an eagle’s eye on the candidate to make certain he or she will be capable of handling the force and energy of the next grade. Traditionally, there is a minimum time that must be spent in each class before one can apply for advancement to the next grade. Due the fact that world changes allow information and energy to move faster than traditionally, the Bavarian Order of the Illuminati has no minimum time limit for each grade. The next grade opens up when you have a deep understanding of the previous grade.
The Facts of the Bavarian Order of the Illuminati
Today in the modern world of electronics and computers, there is much confusion as to what the Bavarian Illuminati is. In the last several years, some have sought to waive a trademark banner or dubious “charters”. In truth, there are several good Bavarian Illuminati groups. However, be aware of impure groups and scammers that mix different systems. And lie to be illuminati and scam you.
The historic Bavarian Illuminati (not to be confused with any current group borrowing the name) was formulated as an official school and extension of the German Bavarian Illuminati of 1776.
The bottom line of the Bavarian Illuminati System is that initiations from Lesser Illuminati Order are highly active in the area of providing inner alchemical transformations from coarse to fine, from lead to the fullest potential of gold. The bottom line is that the alchemical transformation system of the Bavarian Order of the Illuminati works! Much of our hidden wisdom today, from Wicca to Tarot, from astrology to psychology can be directly traced to the first Order of the Bavarian Illuminati.
Great Work of the Bavarian Order of the Illuminati
In 1776, the Bavarian Illuminati began the process of initiation. With more than just the initiation of the individual, the Bavarian Illuminati initiated a re-awakening of the Western Mystery tradition. The Bavarian Illuminati began the process of molding, teaching and building future Adepts in the art of Self-Mastery and practical magick
In essence, the Bavarian Illuminati System was and is a curriculum of study and preparation of the Great Work! The Great Work is defined as
“The purification of the spiritual nature, so that with the aid of the Divine, the Adept may overcome his/her human limitations and thus gradually raise and unite with the Divine Self.”
This is the True Self which is beyond birth and death. Thus, the Adept will learn his/her True Will and may pursue the accomplishment of it, thus doing the Great Work.
The Bavarian Illuminati system is more than just a curriculum of study. It is an alchemical process accomplished only through initiation. Today, some Bavarian Illuminati orders encompass a worldwide fraternity of like-minded men and women who seek “Inner Truth”. However, it is still, in many ways, a solitary path. Personal attention and work is a “must” in the process of spiritual development.
The Joy of the Bavarian Order of the Illuminati
The Bavarian Illuminati System is a priceless treasure. As a Neophyte, the energy shift can seem like a cloud of confusion. However, like a fine wine that must age, time and patience give one a clearer understanding and a deeper appreciation of the transformational energy of the Bavarian Order of the Illuminati. Most of those who become involved in serious Bavarian Illuminati System studies grow with the rising sun. The study and transformation blooms into a beautiful love and appreciation for the perfection of the Bavarian Order of the Illuminati system.
If you are considering becoming a student, prepare for a new life of deep spiritual and magical connection. Your life will change, your power will grow and so will your magical skills. This means a new life, with new opportunities.